Sierra Forward Endorses Jessica Morse 

Sierra Forward Endorses Jessica Morse for Congress in CD 3. Her values are our values. Her policy positions are fact and science based. She has broad and relevant experience. And she’ll aggressively take the fight to incumbent far-right Kevin Kiley.

In a recent email to supporters, Jessica made a powerful case for her candidacy, writing:

“As California’s Deputy Secretary for Forest and Wildland Resilience, I know a lot about wildfires. And as a candidate for public office (and someone who uses social media), I know a lot about political extremism, too.

“Throughout my career, I’ve gotten up close and personal with both — and I can tell you the strategy to defeat an extremist is the same one we use to fight fires: suppress the fuel source.

“For wildfires, that means cutting the flames off from heat, fuel, and oxygen. For extremists, that means drowning out their vanity grab culture wars with big surges of grassroots support. And as I close out the first week of my campaign for Congress, that’s exactly what I plan to do.

That is precisely the kind of clear-thinking, tough, and passionate kind of candidate Jessica Morse is, and just the kind of representation we need and deserve in Congress. And it is why Sierra Forward is proud to endorse Jessica Morse for election to the House of Representatives for CA District 3!