Sierra Forward Endorses Dan Osborn 

for the U.S. Senate

Yes, Nebraska is not in our normal geographic focus, but this could be the election that determines the balance of the Senate, with a candidate who fits Sierra Forward’s focus on finding non-partisan solutions to important government policies that reflect mainstream thinking and are based on fact, not posturing.

Nebraska is so deeply red that the Democratic party did not run a candidate. It was considered by all observers to be a safe GOP seat. But, Dan Osborn had a different idea. He gathered enough signatures to be on the ballot as an Independent, and now he’s in what is considered the tightest Senate race in the country.

Just like Kevin Kiley, who has refused the League of Women Voters’ invitation to debate Jessica Morse in California’s CD-3, Dan’s opponent Deb Fischer has refused to debate. This is the opposite of her position when she first ran for U.S. Senate, when she said that “debates are very important.” But Dan is not afraid to take questions from the media and from citizens, so he is taking his “open chair” debate tour on the road.

Dan is not a politician and has never held an elected office. Rather, he’s a mechanic, soldier and union leader that believes it will take an independent problem solver like him to break through the partisan divide to get things done in Washington. His motto: Let’s Get To Work. 

Meet Dan in person on October 1

Sierra Forward will be co-hosting two house parties on October 1, where you can meet Dan in person. The first is in Palo Alto starting at 4:30pm and the second in San Francisco where you can watch the Vice-Presidential Debate starting at 6:00pm and meet Dan at 7:30pm. Use the below links to register to attend.